Wakeland is committed to providing Resident Services programming that offers opportunities for residents to reach greater levels of economic stability and personal growth. Seeking input and guidance from residents, we tailor meaningful and comprehensive services that meet resident needs and interests without duplicating services already offered in the greater community.
Youth ServicesWakeland’s comprehensive Youth Programs are offered free to all residents ages 6-17. The After School Program offers a platform for our diverse educational activities and enhancement programs featured at our sites...
Adult & Senior ServicesAt Wakeland, our goal is to provide residents with real world skills that assist in building self-confidence, self-reliance, and personal success. Our Adult and Senior Programs provide residents with the tools they need to achieve their goals...
CORE ProgramAs part of the overall Resident Services program, Wakeland’s Creating Opportunities for Resident Enrichment (CORE) program offers specialized financial literacy workshops, credit repair and savings programs that help...