Wakeland's comprehensive Youth Programs are offered free to all residents ages 6-17. The After School Program offers a platform for our diverse educational activities and enhancement programs featured at our sites. All sites implement their programs within the framework of PeaceBuilders, a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum for kids in grades pre-K to 12. A Wakeland-developed "Colleges, Universities and Professions" curriculum helps youth explore their educational and career opportunities after high school, whether they choose college, a trade school or another type of career training. Within all these hands-on activities and programs youth explore science, technology, the arts and character development.
*In accordance with California Business and Professions Code Section 18950, Wakeland requires that all employees holding youth services positions undergo state criminal background checks as a condition of employment. Such background checks are used by Wakeland to identify crimes against persons (including minors) and other crimes that are inconsistent with Wakeland’s mission and policies.