Lillian Place
1401 J Street San Diego, California Property Management/Leasing: Interfaith Housing Assistance Corporation (619) 231-7585 Click here to visit the Interfaith website Description: 74 units (23 one-bedroom, 28 two-bedroom, 23 three-bedroom), with 14 units set aside for families earning 110% of the area median income (AMI) and the rest for families earning 60% or less AMI. Background & Status: New Construction project: parcels purchased December 2003, construction began November 2004, completed December 2006. Joint venture between Wakeland and Interfaith Housing Assistance Corporation. Financing Sources: 9% tax credits, Affordable Housing Program funding, City of San Diego (NOFA funding), and loans from California Community Reinvestment Corporation and the San Diego City Redevelopment Agency Resident Services: Wakeland comprehensive Resident Services programming |