Groundbreaking Held for New Affordable Housing DowntownKUSI NEWS
March 24, 2015 San Diego ranks as America's least affordable city, but a new housing development downtown aims to change all that. The groundbreaking ceremony for the new affordable project called Atmosphere happened today. It's located on Fourth Ave. and Beech St. Atmosphere was the first project approved from the City's Affordable Housing Master Plan. The development will play a vital role for the city's homeless and those with special needs. "This is very important for people living here. We're going to be serving working families and people who have been homeless or have other special needs," said Ken Sauder, President and CEO of project developer Wakeland Housing & Development. "They will be taken care of by outside agencies that will come in and work with them." Atmosphere is Wakeland's largest project to date and it is expected to be complete by early 2017. |