Trinity Place
Trinity Place / Stephen Whalen Photography
6240 Mission Gorge Ave. San Diego, CA 92120 Description: Trinity Place is a new construction supportive housing community of 74 homes for formerly unhoused seniors age 55+ who have chronic health needs. While living at Trinity Place, residents benefit from a wide range of medical and social services provided both on- and off-site that promote health, housing stability and individual well-being. Background & Status: Trinity Place opened in September 2021 in the central San Diego neighborhood of Grantville. The property is located close to transit, retail, medical offices/hospitals and other community amenities that serve the needs of seniors. Financing Sources: Construction loan and tax credit equity investment provided by Wells Fargo. Acquisition loan from the Low-Income Investment Fund. Permanent loan from California Community Reinvestment Corporation. Additional funders include the San Diego Housing Commission*, Civic San Diego, the CalHFA Special Needs Housing Program (administered by the County of San Diego) and the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco. Resident Services: PATH (People Assisting the Homeless), St. Paul’s Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), Alpha Project Home Finders and CRF Senior IMPACT provide comprehensive supportive services to the residents. Leasing Information: Residents have already been identified for Trinity Place, but people who think they may qualify for supportive housing in San Diego should call 211, visit the Homelessness Response Center located at 1401 Imperial Avenue in downtown San Diego, or visit *Funded in part with HOME Investments Partnerships Grant (HOME) funds provided to the City of San Diego by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administered by the San Diego Housing Commission. |